Join Dominion Lodge

Interested in becoming a Freemason in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada? This is your first step.

Tell us a bit about yourself by filling out the following form.

This information is strictly confidential and will only be used to help us better understand your background and to determine whether or not Freemasonry, or more particular, if Dominion Lodge is a good fit for you. There are no wrong answers.

  • We as Freemasons believe in taking good men and making them better. In 300 words or less please tell us about yourself, why you feel you would be a good Mason and what you will do to add to Freemasonry and Dominion Lodge specifically.
    If other please specify.

  • Please be sure to read the information on our website about becoming a freemason.

  • As Freemasons we typically attend 1-2 meetings per month (in the case of our Lodge every second and fourth Wednesday) from September – June. However in the first year you will find that additional time will be required to prepare for these meetings.
    If other please specify.

  • Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form and expressing an interest in becoming a Freemason with Dominion Lodge 117. You must reside in Alberta, Canada and preferably within the greater Edmonton area to apply. By clicking this checkbox you verify that you do in fact currently reside in Alberta, Canada.